Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Kardashians

Yes i admit it.

I love the Kardashians.

Their glam, their family values, their arguments and their clothes.

Love it love it love it.

One thing i don't love is the emptiness i have when i face my closet after an episode with them. Suddenly my Blazers look so dull, my shoes just don't have their sharpness and my hair is just a tad bit erk.

I must say out of all of them i'm most like Khloe. Tall, always not thin enough and bratty. I like her confidence, her flair and of course the love of food.

There's nothing more enjoyable then reading her tweets about all the time she spends in the kitchen to cook her husband the dishes he loves. What's more sexier then a confident women cooking in her heels?

When my 30 mins is spent with Khloe i feel more classy, more powerful and enjoying my figure more. I guess now i'm not so shy about my height nor my chubby cheeks.

Now - to make the Hub into a high profile basket ball player.

I think Lamar eats deep fried chicken.


Its The Most Craziest Time Of the Year!

Hi everyone

I was glancing though Alice Bradley's amazing blog and i enjoyed it so much i thought lets keep going with this blog.

Even though i know there are maybe 5 subscribers- 3 of whom we forced to follow us! i am determined to keep going.

I suppose Blogging was never meant to be a chore but rather an form of expression, almost an art really.

So here i am refreshed and hopefully revived.

Lets begin with a short update.

Sister in Law - whom is driving me nuts but i love dearly is getting married in February.

Now you must understand that when big events come up i empty the fridge. That's right! Goodbye lovely chocolate, hot creamy drinks and even sliced ham. Gone ! (The Hub was groaning every time a new item was placed in the bin).

And in comes the muesli, fruit and vegetables (more groaning).

Now in Sydney the weather has changed drastically, from hot summer nights to cold and wet days. This has really caused alot dilemmas whilst grocery shopping.

Juicy ripe mangoes and watermelon are overlooked and I'm opting for the more dearer wintry food.
Things like lamb, soups and tea are on the tips of my tongue and even though the chill is very enjoyable I'm grieving a little bit.

Was looking forward to my new found favourite crunchy noodle salads, cranberry and chicken mix and also fruit with yogurt.

One thing that is definite is plus - no need to be worried about my body not being ready for my bathing suit! Its too Damn cold =)

Wells that's it for now

Enjoy =)

Francine Truffles